I am a Czech game developer, progammer and Jungian psychology enthusiast and I created this Jungian test on 25th of July 2020 and published it on 26th of July, to celebrate the birthday of the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung (7/26/1875 - 6/6/1961). Example of a graph you will see here:
By today, 4th of September 2020, around 80k people took the test and this website got around 200k views - mostly in a span of a week, mainly because it went viral on Filipino and Korean twitter. (Jung is apparently a common Korean last name). They somehow made this archetype test into a K-pop meme (?) and started sharing their results everywhere, which brought more traffic to the site. I think I haven't seen a single twitter profile that shared the meme and DIDN'T have a K-pop celebrity as a profile picture. I assume those were teenage girls - that might be why there is a serious abundance of Caregiver INFPs. The whole viral situation was really weird, so moving on...
I left the MBTI answers optional, so only a half of the archetype results have a complete MBTI string. I am by no means a data scientist, I graduated in CS, not in data science, so please take this as a fun experiment, not hard data. The MBTI values are ofc self-reported, and there is no telling if everyone understood what Sensing/Intuitive means. But let's presume that people who didn't know just left the option empty, and those people are not included in this dataset (it contains only full MBTI strings). Oh, and if it wasn't obvious already, I am an INTP. Creator/Seeker.
The results are divided into 3 parts:
Archetype/MBTIs breakdown (all sorted desc.)
MBTI/archetypes breakdown
Gender/archetypes (only 5644 results, as I implemented the gender question later)
[1.] Archetype/MBTIs breakdown
If you want to know more about archetypes and Jungian psychology...
Jung's Labyrinth is a psychological exploration PC game that uses Jungian psychology, mythology, alchemical and dream symbolism in a series of active imaginations to map the process of individuation, becoming who you really are. Confront your inner archetypes, collect messages that other travelers left behind and reach your Self.